
Hey everyone! So this blog is all about food... yummy Chinese and western food! We've been doing a lot of cooking lately so here's us documenting it for you :D This blog is appropriatley called 'One taste doesn't turn you into a fatty...


Cooking at 王书Wang Shu's house


Isabelle and our friend Sue, and her big crazy bear!



Some ingredients, tomatoes, chillis and fish


Isabelle cooking some tofu



Our fave food, Fried rice!!


Issy, Me and Sue



Issy and Sue cooking tofu!


PIE TIME at Nan Dan


So and Jacob cooked for us months ago, and we still hadn't returned the favour, so we made a chicken pie and white choc brownies for them last Sunday. Yum!

Unfortunatley we had a few, err, shall we say 'culinary' mistakes, such as cutting the chickens head off and cooking the brownies properly, but it was all yummy in the end.



Pie steps one, two and three.

(I thought this chicken had no head which is why I bought it, only to find it's head tucked behind a wing (ewww). As I'm ridiculously squeamish, Isabelle had to cut the head off. You may think this sounds easy to do, but after several google searches 'of how to cut chickens head off' and only finding stupid youtube videos of headless chickens running around, we just went for it with a pretty blunt, but big, knife. The chopping was followed by lots of screaming and Isabelle chasing me around the apartment with a chickens head.



But we had a lovely night, Ben, Jacob and their new flatmate Chenyi brought some wine and nice crisps and we then watched Summer Heights high. Such a great time

(Oh yeah the chickens name was Henry!)




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